Streamline Complex Patient Discharge with CCDS

At CCDS, We dedicate ourselves to streamlining the patient discharge process for healthcare facilities. Our personalized solutions help patients transition safely and comfortably from hospitals to our partnered assisted facilities, which decreases the length of their stay and improves their satisfaction. We are passionate about providing compassionate care and streamlining the healthcare experience for everyone involved. Let us help you simplify your discharge process and improve patient outcomes.

Your Trusted Partner in Patient Care Coordination

How It Works

Just like taking a well-deserved 15-minute break during a busy day, our comprehensive patient discharge solutions provide the support and peace of mind you need to navigate the complexities of healthcare with ease, from assessment to follow-up.

1. Receive Referral
Referral would be received from contracted hospital and then given to DON.
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2. Gather All Information
DON will gather all information and conduct 1st assessment and complete admission paperwork. Send out referrals to partnered assisting health facilities
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3. Assign Care Manager
After Care Manager is assigned 2nd assessment will be planned.
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4. Strategy
Care Manager will start the follow up process with possible accepting facilities. 
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5. Launch
Once patient is medically cleared the hospital Case Manager will send all clinicals and arrange transportation.
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Learn more about the latest trends in patient care coordination to see how our services align with industry best practices.